Learning Tips

The most important thing to remember in your interview

There is a lot of advice to remember when you are preparing for an interview. 

You must dress well, be on time, have a firm handshake and always keep eye contact. 

But there is one tip you need to think about before anything else. One crucial reminder that will affect how you speak and everything you say.

Your interview is not about you.

But what does that mean? Of course my interview is about me, right?

It’s true that you go to interviews to talk about yourself. But to unlock the secret to giving a strong interview, there is another question you must ask. 

Why is the company interviewing me? 

It’s important to flip your perspective. Don’t think about how you see yourself and what the job can offer to you. Think about what you can offer the company.

Your interviewer is looking for the best person to help the company. 

Remember this and suddenly the language you use becomes a lot more conscious, and you will make a stronger impression.

Instead of “I want to rise to a managerial position so I can develop my leadership skills” you say “I want to become a manager because I believe I have the skills to expand the company’s growth.”

“I want to take advantage of professional development workshops to become a better worker” becomes “I will continue my professional development so I can offer more productivity to my bosses and the business.”

The candidates who understand this are the ones who will be irresistible to employers. 

So, how do we look at ourselves from the company’s perspective. 

1. Read the job listing

I mean really read it.

Pay attention to what is says the “ideal candidate” will have. The job listing will tell you exactly what the company is expecting in an employee. By understanding what the company is looking for, you can present your best qualities in the interview.

2. Use your words to show them you understand they are the priority

When we talk about ourselves it’s easy to try and inflate our best qualities and get lost in our own accomplishments. Thats a common mistake in an interview. Instead, focus on showing how you will help the company grow and reflect that in your language choice. 

Also, do not assume you will be hired just because you are in the interview stage. Show them you understand it is a privilege to be there. 

Try these useful phrases in an interview:
“If I’m given the opportunity I would like to…”
“If I’m fortunate enough to be hired…”
“…so I can help the company grow in the future.”
“I will work hard to become an integral part of the company and its mission.”

3. Do your research

On the company’s website, find where they talk about their values. Make sure you are ready to discuss these values and how you will embody them.

If you have the opportunity, talk to current employees and ask them about day to day life in this business. Use your knowledge to show the interviewer you will be happy and productive if you are given the job. 

Focus on learning about the values, goals and methodology of the company. Do not waste your time studying facts and numbers that anyone could find. 

4. Ask good questions

At the end, you will have your chance to ask your interviewer some questions. It’s easy to think of this step as unimportant, but in fact the opposite is true.

Asking good questions will help to show you are interested. You will also use this time to show you were listening. Ask for more details about specific points from the interview. And show them you are interested to continue learning about the company and it’s culture.

How will you show the company that you understand they are the priority in a job interview? Let us know in the comments below!


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